"Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." - St. Augustine. Many congratulations to Sarah and Lewis!!! These two tied the knot on Wednesday at the beautiful Cripps Barn! It was a beautiful day exactly like them: relaxed, informal and elegant. It was an intimate event where they only invited their closest relatives and friends - so I've you were there, well done you made the cut! We knew that Sarah and Lewis were afraid it would be awkward or uncomfortable being centre stage in front of the camera. It was a relief to hear - many times even! - that we made them feel at ease to the point of even enjoying it! It was an absolute joy to spend the day with them! Thank you guys so much for asking us to be there and capture your beautiful wedding completely, and without compromise.
We can't wait to show you more! Enjoy Cornwall!
Dominic & Ruby xx
All this awesomeness was possible because of these wonderful people: Hair and Makeup - @oxfodweddinghairandmakeup @oxfordweddinghairandmakeup Wedding Dress - Mae Bridal Boutique @maebridalboutique - @white_rose_bridal Bride's shoes - New Look @newlook Florist - @goGo Wild for Flowers @go_wild_flowers Groom's suit and shoes - Moss Bros. @Moss Cake - Hannah (Bridesmaid) Band - Technicolour @TechnicolourBandUK Catering - Cripps Barn Bridesmaids Dresses - Oasis Fashion @oasisfashions Car - AJE Classics @AJEClassics